Photoshop 6 Tifs by Nitroced

This follows the sequence of images given by Pinhead in 'Making Transparent Tifs for Bryce'.
There are a few differences in the methods needed to do this in Photoshop 6.
Soooo.... Here I go!
1.   Start Photoshop
2.    File>Open (select an image
3.    Click on the lasso tool (making sure that anti- aliase is deselected)
4.    Select all around the object
5.    Select> Inverse
6.     Edit>Fill with 100% Black
7.     Crop the image    (This is where I had my first problem )  I don't know why but I could not crop the image while
        it was filled in with the 100% black. So I cropped the image before I did anything to it at all, and tried to get as close to the areas
        that I wanted to work with.
8.     Select>All
9.     Edit>Copy
10.   File>New  (Making sure it's the same size & selecting grayscale mode)
11.   Edit-Paste the image into the new grayscale image
12.   Select the magic wand tool and then select the black area surrounding the image
13.   Select>Inverse
14.   Edit>Fill with 100% white
15.   Select>Deselect
16.   Layer> Flatten Image
17.   Go back to the original image & make a new alpha channel
18    Go to untitled black & white image,  Edit>Copy  (this is the second problem that I had, it only showed Paste in Edit-
        everything else was grayed out)   so.. In ps 6 you have to go to Select>All then go to Edit>Copy and then you can copy
        and paste the image into the original.
19.   (third problem)  You can't just paste the black & white image (alpha mask) into the original in ps 6,   You have to select the
         Alpha Channel by clicking on it  in the layers pallet, and then you have to go to:
        EDIT>PASTE INTO, and it pastes the black & white alpha into the original images new alpha channel . Also when you do
        this and click on  RBG in the channels pallet, the background doesn't appear red in PS 6, as it does in PS5. This was       
        very confusing also, and I started over countless times because I thought that I had done something wrong. Apparently
        the red background doesn't show up in PS 6 for what ever reason.. ( I guess only Adobe Knows why)
20.   Then clean up the edges
21.   Click on the original images  "Background" In the Layers Pallet and then go to- File>Save OR File>Save As  (it doesn't
        matter in ps6 and save your file!)  It Automatically includes the alpha  and the correct file extension!
        I know there were only minor differences in the way this was done for both PS 5 & PS 6, but it could be confusing for others.
        I hope that this will help some other users also. Just goes to show ya what a little research can do.  ;0}
Pinhead writes: You rock Nitroced, readers can see your Bryce images at 3DCommune of course. 
Here is the link:  Nitroced's Bryce Gallery 
Mucho thanks for taking the time to help! And hello holler from waaaay up North ; )